After sampling Green & Black’s Maya Gold bar last week, we had this idea to dip into the Bittersweetjesus piggy bank and book a trip to Belize so we could tour the factory where the fairtrade and organic chocolate bars are manufactured. But after cracking open ol' Piggy Sue, we found but a handful of pennies, an IOU dated 1998, and a folded-up cocktail napkin with the scribbled digits of some character named Raul. Curse you, NYC and your ridiculous cost of living! I even took one for the team and tried calling Raul (just sayin' hi!) to see if he or any of his investment banker cronies would be interested in funding the trip. Fella never even gave a courtesy call back. Stanks. But luckily the kind folk at Green & Black have the fiscally irresponsible covered [Ed. not talking about me here]. They have an all-expenses paid trip for two to the Cadillac of the Caribbean up for grabs. When you and your +1 aren't scarfing / wolfing / devouring their entire line of exotic fruit and spice-infused chocolate, the crew has arranged for mountain tours, kayaking, cave exploration and Belize Barrier Reef diving. Get thee to entering!
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