Eager to take their own pound of flesh from a once innocent Halloween holiday, Act II has introduced candy corn flavored popcorn. A candy corn enthusiast myself, I was hesitant when offered the new treat. But admittedly, the taste verdict was surprisingly positive. Although the appeal of the flavored popcorn is more in its rich candy corn scent than its candy corn taste, the experience is satisfying overall.
One could almost pat Act II on the back, except they had to take things a step too far. The box of pop corn suggests that Act II is a perfect Halloween handout; they even provide a "Fun Pops for Trick-or-Treaters" recipe. However, the candy corn popcorn is only available in huge boxes of tiny bags.
Take a moment to imagine, if you will, Halloween ten years down the road if Act II gets its way on All Hallows Eve. A child, all dressed up as his favorite spook or celeb, rings a doorbell. A woman comes to the door, asks "Trick of Treat?" The kid is no fool. "Treat," he says. She hands him some cake batter. Next house, same scene. Now the kid has a plastic pumpkin with some cake batter and a stick of raw sugarcane inside. Third house hands out a plastic-sealed bag of Act II Candy Corn flavored popcorn...
Point too abstract for you? That's just what Act II wants. Halloween is a no-assembly-required holiday. Leave the cooking, installing, plugging in, trying on, and gift exchanging for Christmas, Act II! Halloween is meant to be unwrapped and enjoyed... immediately.
-Steev Sachs
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