mr. goodbars, baby ruths and peppermint patties alike: today marks the super official launch of bittersweetjesus - a special place in internet land where we post for the masses tasty commentary devoted to the wildcards who bring us sugared-up snacks.
not gonna lie - we lack any and all culinary prowess. matter of fact, we failed home ec and shake our fists at the entire baked goods family (curse you, baking soda and baking powder for looking so similar yet yielding such different results!). but when it comes to candy, we've got a knack for separating the good (junior mints) from the bad (zagnut bars) from the downright confusing (bottle caps). that's why we consider it our american duty to force... er, "bestow" upon the general public such beacons of confectionary competence...
think of it as community service, people!
now let’s launch!
- dana krozek
Why did it take me so long to discover the Almond Joy. While not particularly fond of coconut...I stumbled on this one day. I am forever changed.
Also, what the hell happended to Bonkers? I have never crossed paths with someone adverse to some bonkers.
PS Circus Peanuts suck.
PPS Snickers are the most over-rated candy in history. It's scientific fact.
Also, in the future, when referring to the peppermint patty, please refer to it in it's proper name...the York Pepperming Patty. Am I to believe that said connoisseur(s) are peddling bargain basement peppermint patties? For shame.
post 1 - correct on both bonkers and snickers fronts. however, the circus peanuts slam was totally unwarranted.
post 2 - slag off!
say I say this has turned into one heated discussion. And I have to aggree that there is, and never has been, a solid use for circus peanuts.
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