fact: we revealed bittersweetjesus to the masses about 2 months ago. guns blazing, we spewed nothing but sanctimonious stories about the genius of this here candy blog. we also dished a healthy dose of slander for the handful of non-bittersweetjesus bloggers out there. and THEN what do we do? we dropped the ball. straight dropped it, kids. 4 measly posts in 2 months. now that just ain't right. especially when the candy consumption of yours truly has nearly doubled during that time. for shame!
but to our defense, we've had a few obstacles to overcome: seemingly interested freelancers who pitched fabulous story ideas only to flake like the crispy goodness of an aero bar (get to googling); contributing writer rebecca silverstein's recent preoccupation with pharmaceutical modeling (swing into any ob/gyn office east of 6th ave to see her ortho tricyclin work); and general summer shenanigans from this girly girl herself.
but fret not! we're back on the trolley and ready to start a confection revolution. and no - that doesn't mean 4 posts followed by another hiatus... jerks.
- dana krozek
1 comment:
Might I point out that the 3 Musketeers Mint is also low in fat and calories.
It gives you the one, two minty punch you crave, without the guilt.
Bring 'em on!
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